Three Step Approach to Scent Control - Initial Ascent

Three Step Approach to Scent Control

There really is no one step approach to scent control. To be truly scent free you need to have a whole system in place from one company to ensure you are getting the most potential out of your scent elimination products. Going to the store and using the "mix and match" approach of whatever is on sale just won't cut it. Dead Down Wind is one company that has proven to me that it is most effective when used as a complete system. DDW is the only enzyme based odor control system on the market today. Other brands add unnatural odor to the environment while DDW's enzymes actually break down the odor molecules. Basically - don't use our detergent and then spray 'Earth Scent' all over your fresh clean camo. 'Earth Scent' is an unnatural odor and the deer will likely smell it.  My three step approach is as simple as: E1 Laundry, E2 Personal Hygiene and E3 Field Application.

Exceptional, unlike any other product in its class. Dead Down Wind delivers the TOTAL PACKAGE. ESP® technology puts Dead Down Wind laundry products in a class by itself. No other product does everything in the hunting or sports related laundry category. The bioengineered formulation uses a combination of enzymes, chelating agents and UVe to achieve the highest level of cleaning action including protein stains like blood without the need for a pre-spot or the addition of harsh chemicals. Simply said, when you use DDW laundry products you not only get ScentPrevent® the leading scent prevention protection, you also get UV protection, the best cleaning action in a sport laundry product, an earth friendly green formulation with the lowest fiber impact and approved use in high efficiency washers.

Dead Down Wind has always said that optimum scent and odor control is a system. Real science says there is no one product panacea. E2 Personal Hygiene is a critical component of optimum ScentPrevention®. E2 has two important components, eliminate and also prevent. Our bodies will automatically produce and emit what is initially an odorless secretion. It doesn't actually begin to create odor until it hits the air and bacteria takes over. E2 products help us not only in the cleanup process but also in the prevention of the odor forming bacteria. Specific products are engineered to breakdown odor causing bacteria as it begins to form. Our ESP® Technology (Enzyme Scent Prevention) continues to work long after you leave the shower where it counts the most - your skin and primary odor generation areas. Ask any Archer, they have to get close. E2 is a crucial component in the odor control process.

Evolve field spray, their most advanced enzyme technology yet, prevents and terminates a broader spectrum of odor molecules including human, smoke, gas, and other synthetic contaminant odors. The last line of defense against alarming contaminant scents a hunter may acquire before or during a hunt. Most companies don't even try to address gas although virtually every hunter will encounter it prior to a hunt as easily as touching a pump handle at the gas station. Dead Down Wind thinks there are several reasons. First it is a very large and difficult molecule to conquer from a scent control standpoint. Antimicrobials have little if any effect since it's not a bacterial in composition; cover scents just try to displace one odor with another and some say you don't need to address it. At Dead Down Wind, they view ScentPrevention® as the entire range of odors an average hunter may encounter, not necessarily 100% of the time but typically in a hunters normal activities. Remember, Dead Down Wind strives for perfection and you should too.

I get asked all the time during my seminars why I use Dead Down Wind products. Simple, they work. I don't want to just cover or hide my scent cues. I want to eliminate them. The science behind the entire DDW line gives me the confidence I need knowing my scent cues are eliminated and won't give me away. The rest is up to me. Visit today and see for yourself why they are my choice when it comes to scent elimination.

File Apr 26, 5 29 33 PM

Michael Batease is the creator and owner of Elk Calling Academy out of Boise, ID.

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